We’re fully qualified and registered experts – you’re in good hands

Meet the Team

Libby is a nurse, midwife, lactation consultant and childbirth educator.
Warm and approachable, Founder and Director of Libby & Co., Libby Cain, has twenty years of industry experience from around the globe.
An experienced nurse, midwife, lactation consultant and childbirth educator, Libby has many strings to her bow.
Libby specialised in Paediatric Cardiology in the UK, working with babies born with heart defects.
After extensively travelling and working in Africa, Europe and the UK, her love of babies inspired her to return to New Zealand and train as a midwife.
Her soothing and gentle approach, coupled with her calming personality, helps mothers and babies feel at ease.
Having spent 15 years working as a childbirth educator, Libby works alongside groups and couples, offering antenatal advice in preparation for parenthood.
Libby is passionate about what she does, and spends the majority of her time offering in-home help to new parents.